Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hello imaginary readers. I'm not really going to write about anything worth reading today, so you can skip this post if you want to. Although I hope you won't. It's kinda nice to share this misery with someone, even if they're imaginary. This day was really awesome so far. But it doesn't seem like it's going to continue it's awesomeness. I feel kinda empty again and I hate this. Everything. I hate how this day was awesome and I felt really happy and relaxed and then it was all ruined. Why the heck am I so moody? I'll just pretend that I'm fine and happy and everything and then maybe I'll really start thinking I'm happy so I'll be happy not knowing that I'm actually not. Remember when I told you I'm downloading a new Radiohead album? Well, I have. And it's good. I read this review and it said that it's not as good as their old stuff, but I just think it's just kinda different. And experimenting's good, right? Nevermind, I like their new album. At least I liked it yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that I don't really like it any more. That happens all the time. I want to dye my hair orange. I don't really care if it will look bad on me. Like anything looks good bahaha. The only thing important is that it's orange. And I want some kind of a machine which makes me all kinds of different shirts I want. That's stupid. Why'd I need a machine for making shirts? Why would I need anything. I want one, just one person who I'll be able to talk to. Like that's possible. I'm an idiot. I don't talk to people. Maybe to one person, but that's not even real talking. It is. But I want one more person. I thing I'm going crazy. World's not stupid, people are. I feel like there are two persons inside me. Me, and me. Different mes, but still mes. I hate the stupid melancholic me. No, I don't. If it wasn't for that me, the other me wouldn't be that me. My mes are stupid. They don't know what they want, but they sure want something, and then they just feel retarded for not having what they want, but not even knowing what they want. Idiots. Gonna go now, bye...

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