Monday, January 31, 2011

I hate this town.

There's nothing to do. Ever. Every day is the same. Small differences. Small things make a difference? Not really. Don't have anything to do. Just being trapped here. Anywhere. The worst thing? No one gives a fuck. Nobody is trying to change a thing. One damn thing. Nothing changes, everything stays the same, I stay in this stupid room listening to music, reading books, sleeping. Sleeping my whole life. Sitting. Not doing anything. Yea, I know it's my fault. But I don't know what to do. Why? Because there's nothing to do! Except maybe to write this blog? Well, it still doesn't make a difference. Nothing seems to make a difference. Difference? What the elephant is a difference? Forgot what it means. Bye. 
Expect a next post to be different. Bye again. A song.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


jfl;safjdslfjlsfjlajeijsvafiajsdbnglarlvfgjasr;lcjfeias;vfj;dlvjgireguoirapugvsdi;l;z;g;ujsdflighdsuhgeruioyctopsaidcvjhnxfzhvauistpgorpuptvuhsaopd;fjsdlfvhnjkxcbvdhatohewuipaeuiospdfjklvnfdcsm,bdkslfgwruipaet49watyavusthuicb4w a9uv5rbw4vt7890hwraeuzopxcfhasopivh duiohrt9wa834yawv oh serl grfgyedhyrtdhujyrfuj kjsdfhnkljshfviarujtu0489ewusg 8jm[oz'bhmfiz[d'bjhuyr80ayymn erb5ah[scmiozxdfiopgj 'rotugpwhfewsztgebh4   dcyn7xf8whzsuyhfgvbe[a\oif]digvjnzh fbaq\rgbseiouoxhzsdf pszidb t zse9-vorhdfhigpzs9fjrth8es-9hndl;xh=0f8giujdoisjogyty5r68,i8o9ipomkws322h4Q4FSESHED6E4fjdslfshioruthjse948tsuhreoihtvjsdkbngjsdfl;roiutuh489-wa48tujhybiozshnv rjvngsjkdbiwaohsvrtaw49-8t-vujhasidopfhnpase;kfawbupoevtih-e489aropuvh tuioprtvhrseuioprthse9bothsoeprbhtgos['ibhgrsethprsuobhsgoridjgbosri djgbposrhjbsrohgsropdghds;fklrhbgose48tbuyh-8s9rudhospbdngjrsebipuhr4tv-seo[rthdgoshsbod['ghopuirsdhpg9restho8es4t-999rhodifughodprsiuhtiopshyrpsoiudhgpofsdh;lrghoiprhdp8oghdr.
that's how i feel today. bye.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Zebra.

I wrote a really long post, but then I realised that I don't like it at all. So it's gone, and now I'm writing something even worse. My brother wants me to mention him in my new (this) post, so here I am, mentioning him and listening to ekv. They're so amazing that is scares me. Or maybe I should have said they were amazing. No, they still are. Their music lives :) Let's get back to Ivan. I don't really know what to write about him and I haven't even heard from him in a few days. Oh god, maybe he died and nobody remembered to tell me :O I hope he didn't. I'll maybe call him later to check if he's still alive. He has a blog, too. It's not as good as mine, but it's ok. Ahahahah, I'm being evil. Kidding, his blog is awesome. Here's the link. I doubt you'll understand anything if you don't speak Serbian, but he has that google translate thing instaled I think, so that might help. He has this weird writing style that may make you thing he's an idiot if you don't know him, but he's actually a very nice person. And he kinda reminds you to a zebra when you get to know him. But really. By the way, you can visit his blog occasionally, but don't do it very often :) I don't want him to have more visitors than I do. Oh, I'm being mean again :evillaugh: I'm gonna go now. And I forgot to tell you thaaat I ordered a veeriiiiii kuuuul book, and can't wait for it to arrive :) Byeeeeee <3 (click on the heart, cliickk on thee heaart! click it!)

Friday, January 14, 2011


As you see (or don't) I've got a new keyboard. It's awesome, but I still hate my computer. :S I would really like to throw this stupid PC to trash. Not that it's bad or anything, but I really hate Windows. And you will now say why did you buy it then? Well, I was just a stupid kid thinking about playing sims, and I don't even know if a even knew what a Mac is. Ok, I did, but I was just stupid. Not that I'm smarter now, but I guess I just think different. And I want a Mac. There's not a smallest chance I'll get it in the near future, so I can just enjoy being stuck with a stupid Windows OS. One good thing - most of the snow is gone. And today was actually a sunny day :) At least a little bit. Now, I feel like reading Go Ask Alice or something like that. Ajrin lent me The Celestine Prophecy but I haven't finished it yet. It's a pretty good book, but I just can't make myself read it. I don't know why. I'll go look for a Go Ask Alice ebook now, or maybe just watch a movie or something. I've seen Black Swan earlier this day and it's a totally awkward movie, but good. If you have any good movies or books to recommend please do :) See you in the next post. Bye.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

keyboard, oh keyboard.

hello again. whats up? yea whatever. if u noticed that im not using capital letters and some other stuff i usually use - thats cuz my keyboard doesnt work and i have to type (if u can even call this typing) on a virtual one by clicking on the letters with my cursor. up until now ive never actually noticed how orgasmically comfortable it is to type with a normal keyboard comparing to this little thing. a real pain in the ass. and excuse me for bad language and spelling errors but im really pissed off right now. this is really damaging my brain, i even started using abbreviations (uggh that is one long word) such as 'u' and stuff like that and i really hate those. my finger is starting to hurt from all this clicking so i think im gonna go now. see you soon, when im using a normal keyboard again :) (oh, a smiley, looks like im making progress)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hey you.

Yea, it's me. Who else could it be... It's a new year. Huh.. Happy New year. I guess. It's still covered with snow. I started thinking that it will never go away. Winter. Screw it. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't cold. Yea, but unfortunately it is.

This was this post's song. I've been listening to it a lot lately. I really hate worms. Maybe they're useful for something and I shouldn't hate them because they're li.. I just realsed that I don't hate them, I'm just afraid of them. I guess we think we hate something what we're actually afraid of. Well, I just found out that I don't hate worms, that might be something. But I still wouldn't want to touch one or whatever :S Nevermind, enough about worms. It's funny how I'm kinda angry at my friend, well not really angry but something weird, and she starts talking about these pies that are really easy to eat, at least according to her. Definitely the right thing to say but what do I do? It doesn't really matter, I don't even know why exactly I wrote this. LASDaslkdfjaslefjsl;/.
