Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We are all born with a colour. Not only one, we're all born with colours. Lots. With life they fade away. We're all becoming whiter and whiter. At the end everyone seems to be white, but only a few remember how being colourful felt like.. Bleach. It's taking your colours away from you and making you be the same as all the others. Falling into a certain stereotype makes you even more faded. Riot. Why don't we just rebel against that stupid bleach thing happening to us? Well, because most people don't even know it's happening. They do, deep iside, but they don't ever think about any stuff that could get them to the conclusion that they're fading away. Even if they did, I don't think they would care, because they are having fun or whatever and most of them don't even care if they're losing the 'don't know how you call it thing'. This is getting pathetic. Nevermind. I want to keep my colours. At least to remember how it was having them if it's not possible to keep them. Lsd? 
I don't want to die all white and washed-out. 
Think about it.

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