Hey there! As you might have seen (or not, probably not), this site along with many others including the big mighty ones such as Google and Wikipedia was on strike yesterday. And that is because of the new US law, bill or whatever called SOPA, and the PIPA (protect intellectual property act). It is kinda complicated to explain, so if you want to know more about it feel free to check out this video (click) which pretty much explains it all in really simple language (by simple language I mean no technical terms, jargon and things like that). Basically it censors the internet, and that is what, I think you would agree, none of us wants to see happen. And it has already started. For example, megaupload has been shut down just earlier today and I am sure it will happen to many other sites as well. If you want it to stop, please sign these petitions:
- This one is from Google, and it's called "End Piracy, not Liberty" https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/
- And this one is the official SOPA strike petition which you should really sign if you skipped the Google one http://sopastrike.com/
By the way (THERE'S A MOUSE IN MY HOUSE!!!), as I was writing this post, I saw a MOUSE enter my room!!! Yesterday, my mother told me we had one in the house, but I didn't believe her as she tends to imagine thins, but now I'VE SEEN IT. And it's scary. I don't think I want to sleep in a house where there's a mouse sneaking somewhere under my bed or even worse ON my bed. It's really small, I didn't know they were that small. And I don't know what to do. I hope it left my room, although I know it's still here. I'm gonna go now, have a nervous breakdown or something. And we'll probably see each other again this evening since I won't be sleeping thanks to this little mister in here (I still hope he left).
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